Monday, June 11, 2012

Back to Boston, Part 1

Last November Forest & I met up in Boston for a girl's weekend, basically a halfway point between Seattle and Paris. Also handy that our friend Prerna was living there at the time, making it an especially fun catch up!

I arrived in the evening and the three of us immediately headed out to Eastern Standard where another girlfriend, Kitty, was hosting a launch party for No. 3 Gin. Girlfriends, gin & well made cocktails; what better way to kick off a weekend.
photo "borrowed" from Forest

On the way home we stopped off at Citizen, a cute place for drinks and food, to say hi to another friend from Seattle who is in Boston for law school (natch).

In the morning we took a beautiful drive out along the coast. The fall colors were still holding on and it was a gorgeous sunny day. Our first stop was Marky's Lobster Pool just across the border in New Hampshire, for lunch of lobster rolls, fried clams & onion rings. Not bad, not the best I've had but a great atmosphere right on the shore and certainly a good stop if you are up in the area.

We then headed to Newburyport which is a very cute New England town, lots of brick and cobblestones. We found a huge antiques shop in a big old barn and spent some time wandering around the boutiques and windows shopping.

Back in town, we headed over to Drink for pre-dinner cocktails. The space and the libations here are excellent. We had a great time and got to see yet another friend, Misty, who was mixing behind the bar.

Dinner that night was at Bondir in Cambridge. Wow! This place is just fantastic! It's a tiny spot so reservations are essential. There is a lovely fireplace, where they were roasting chestnuts to serve as a snack with our wine while we waited for our table.

Kitty had joined us and with the menu being full of easy to share, delicious sounding dishes we had a really hard time deciding what to get. We finally settled on it all, minus the soup and the chicken dish. Restraint you know?
Also "borrowed" from Forrest

The chef, French born and bred, was happy to come out and chat with us. The staff was excellent and the food was really, really good. I'd love to go back and highly recommend it for those heading to Boston. One of the stand out dishes for me was "Hand-Rolled Cavatelli, Tamworth Sow and Venison Ragu, Red Wine, Bitter Cocoa". Gorgeous.

Full on excellent wine and food we headed back to Prerna's for nightcaps and girly chat until the wee hours.

Because we were all a bit worn out from the night before, we opted to hang out around the house, work on our upcoming Costa Rica trip and rent Rom-coms.

But the next morning we walked down to Prerna's neighborhood Venezuelan restaurant and bar, Orinoco,  for some seriously decadent arepas and Brazilian sours. Now that is the way to start a day! They just opened a new location in Cambridge that is mostly restaurant, this one had a cute little bar too, but I hear all the offerings are the same.

After dropping Forest off at the airport, Prerna and I spent the beautiful fall afternoon walking around Harvard Square and shopping. We also had very good drinks & dinner at the Russell House Tavern.

Beantown never disappoints!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. That really was an excellent meal at Bondir & a fun weekend all around. I love reading this after the fact because my brain is mush and I never remember I'm always all "oh yes, we did do that...that was totally fun!" :)

  2. It doesn't even seem like it was 7 months ago to me!! That meal was soooo good!


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